We understand that this is a challenging and anxious time for our community, and new challenges have arisen for many who are dealing with unemployment and layoffs. We know how strong Newport County is. We’ll get through this, together.
Here are the most recent programming updates from the MLK Community Center:
FOOD PANTRY: Clients can receive about a week’s worth of food every two weeks from the MLK Community Center. Pantry hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For those who are quarantined, elderly or disabled and need food, please call: in Newport: (401) 845-5501, Middletown (401) 842-6556, and Portsmouth (401) 643-0379 to arrange a food delivery.
BREAKFAST: Our Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. breakfast program has moved to a bagged meal and coffee, distributed at the Edward St. entrance.
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: All community programming is cancelled until further notice. This includes LivFit, Community Art Class, Zumba, Lunch & Learns, Community & Education Dinners, and AARP Tax Prep.
PRESCHOOL: Our preschool will be closed until further notice.
AFTERSCHOOL: Our afterschool program will be closed until further notice.
MEAL DISTRIBUTION: Newport Public Schools and their food provider, Chartwells, are providing grab & go meals for any families who are interested. Boxes will consist of a breakfast and lunch and will be available from 12 pm – 1 pm. Available Monday – Friday at the MLK Center’s loading dock or in front of Pell Elementary School.
VOLUNTEERING: Volunteering at the Center is suspended until further notice.
DONATIONS: The MLK Community Center is no longer able to accept any donations of food, for your safety and the safety of our staff. If you have the capacity to give at this time, ,monetary donations to purchase food are so needed and so appreciated.
MOBILE FOOD PANTRY: The Mobile Food Pantries for the remainder of the month are still on, as scheduled: Pemberton/Conanicus on Friday, 3/27 and Oxbow Farms on Tuesday, 3/31.
For more information on COVID-19, please see the Rhode Island Department of Health’s website: https://health.ri.gov/diseases/ncov2019/
Anyone who has the capacity to help at this time: monetary donations to the Center to help purchase food & support other essential services are so needed and so appreciated.
For any questions about MLK programs, please call the Center: (401) 846-4828.