I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits.
EST. 1922
1,156,353 Total meals served
245,500+ Pounds of fresh produce distributed
177 Mobile Food Pantry visits to 17 neighborhoods
1,301 Grocery deliveries to homebound seniors
33,352 Hot breakfasts served
2,435 People received help at Thanksgiving
474 Visits to school food pantries
In 2024, the MLK provided $255,698 in scholarships to aid low-income working families.
2,585 Children (age birth-five) received a monthly book from Dolly Parton Imagination Library
85% of children receive scholarships
75% of graduating preschoolers met the benchmarks for kindergarten readiness
53% of preschoolers are English Language Learners
48 kids enjoyed 8 weeks of previously inaccessible “Newport Summer” experiences through Summer Camp
2,636 Community Lunches and Dinners provided
1,257 Children received toys and gifts from Santa’s Workshop
151 Free exercise/wellness classes
5 Free outdoor concerts
59 Seniors attended twice-monthly Lunch and Learn
112 Clients found shelter in the overnight Warming Center
58 People participated in twice-weekly cooking classes
640 Individuals volunteered in all programs
My experiences at the MLK Community Center have given me emotional stability. I know, I really know, it will be okay. I've gotten stronger because of the support I've received from the Center.
The MLK Community Center was there when I lost my job and helped me feed my family. I am once again employed and thankful for the MLK.