Beginning this coming Monday, March 16th, the MLK Community Center has made some changes to regularly scheduled programming, following the Governor’s most recent COVID-19 safety precautions.
FOOD PANTRY: Clients may come to the Center on pantry days to receive a bagged selection of 1 week’s worth of groceries. Pantry hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Wednesday evenings 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
BREAKFAST: Our Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. breakfast program will be moved to a bagged meal, distributed at the Edward St. entrance.
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: All community programming is cancelled, at least through the coming week. This includes LivFit, Community Art Class, Zumba, the Potter League Vet Clinic, Tuesday’s Lunch & Learn, and AARP Tax Prep.
PRESCHOOL: Our preschool will remain open, as usual.
AFTERSCHOOL: The MLK Community Center is offering 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. care for students currently enrolled in our Afterschool program for next week, 3/16 – 3/20, while Newport schools are closed. Parents may sign up during pick-up today, or call/email Jeanine at (401) 846-4828 or jrichardson@mlkccenter.org
MEAL DISTRIBUTION: Newport Public Schools and their food provider, Chartwells, will be providing grab & go meals for any families who are interested. Boxes will consist of a breakfast and lunch and will be available from 12 pm – 1 pm. Begins Monday, March 16th; available Monday – Friday. Available at the MLK Center or in front of Pell Elementary School.
If you or your child are experiencing flu-like symptoms and/or have a fever, please stay home.
For more information on COVID-19, please see the Rhode Island Department of Health’s website: https://health.ri.gov/diseases/ncov2019/
We know this is a challenging and anxious time for our community. But, we know how strong Newport County is. We’ll get through this, together!
For any questions about MLK programs, please call the Center: (401) 846-4828
We are open today (3/13) until 5 o’clock & will reopen on Monday, 3/16.