This Thanksgiving,
We’re Asking You to Show Up for Your Neighbors.

The holidays are the time of year when we really see how many people in Newport County need help. While many families gather together to share holiday meals, less fortunate families are just trying to make sure their kids are being fed. We believe every family deserves a complete festive meal – with a turkey and all the delicious fixings – not just the necessities.
In 2018, the MLK provided Thanksgiving meals (with a turkey for every table) to 1,228 individuals – the most we’ve ever served during a Thanksgiving food pantry in our history. But we can only feed that many because of the generosity of many different groups and businesses, and people like you.
This year the need is greater than ever. We already have 1,256 people registered for help this Thanksgiving. If you would like to help those in need this holiday, look no further than the MLK.
Drop off your donations to the Center’s loading dock Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. We’re currently in need of:
- Canned/packaged turkey or chicken gravy
- Bagged/boxed stuffing
- Cranberry sauce
- Shelf stable milk
- Non-perishable pie crusts, pie fillings, evaporated milk, etc.
- Boxed desserts Boxed side dishes
- Canned vegetables
- Canned & bagged beans/lentils
- Pasta & pasta sauce (canned/jarred)
- Canned tomato products
- Condiments
Also needed:
$5, $10 and $20 Stop & Shop or Shaw’s gift cards
Food Drives:

Food drives are a wonderful way to take a small idea and turn it into a huge success! Hosting a food drive, whether it yields 5 pounds or 500 pounds, makes a big impact in our community. Start one at your business, place of worship, school, gym, book club, or anywhere else you can think of!
Need help organizing a food drive? Please contact Melanie Saunders at 401-846-4828 x124, msaunders@mlkccenter.org
Monetary Donations:
Of course, monetary donations are especially important during the holidays (and a quick and stress-free way to help). Mail checks or bring cash to the Center, or give securely online via PayPal:
,Make Your Holiday Donation Today
Give the Gift of Your Time:
We always are in need of volunteers during the holiday season and beyond. We are currently seeking volunteers for: our daily breakfast program, our mobile food pantry, and the holidays. To get involved, please contact Nancy Harten at 401-846-4828 x103, nharten@mlkccenter.org
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