1.) I need help this holiday season. What can I get by signing up for Holiday Help?
Everyone deserves to have a delicious meal for the holidays. Holiday Help provides the support you need to have a holiday meal for your November and December holiday. If you register, you may pick up food jto prepare your Thanksgiving meal and a supermarket gift card just before the Christmas holiday. In addition, if you have children under 18, you may shop for gifts for each child.
2.) How and where can I sign up to receive Holiday Help?
Staff and volunteers will begin registering clients for all Holiday Help programs starting Tuesday, October 15th in the main lobby at 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. in Newport, Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Remember to bring your photo ID and proof of address and family size.
The staff member or volunteer helping you will make two appointments for you:
A) An appointment for Thanksgiving food pickup
B) An appointment for either Santa’s Workshop (should you have children in your household) or an appointment for Holiday gift card pickup (should you not have children in your household).
3.) What do I need to bring in order to register?
To register, you will need to bring a valid photo ID, proof of your address, and proof of household size.
4.) Can I register online?
Sorry, we can’t register anyone online at this time.
5.) What is proof of address and family size?
Proof of address is any documentation that you are a Newport County resident, meaning you live in Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, or Jamestown. This can be a piece of mail with your name and address on it.
To prove family size, please bring proof of address for the other members in your household. Examples include mail, school documentation with name and address, DHS paperwork, medical cards, children’s birth certificates, lease agreements, social security cards, etc.
Please call us at (401) 846-4828, ext. 100 for more information.
6.) What if I do not have an address?
We understand that many families and individuals experience tough housing situations, but this should not deter anyone from signing up for Holiday Help. Please call us if you have special circumstances, and we will take great care to accommodate you.
7.) When does registration for Thanksgiving end?
Registration for Thanksgiving ends Nov. 15
8.) When does registration for Santa’s Workshop end?
Registration for Santa’s Workshop ends Dec. 11
9.) I do not have kids living in my household. May I still receive a holiday meal help?
Yes. You can sign up for Thanksgiving food and a Holiday grocery gift card. When you register, you will receive two separate appointments to pick up each.
10.) If I sign up for Santa’s Workshop, can my family also receive Thanksgiving and Christmas/Holiday meal help?
Yes. You can sign up for an appointment to pick up Thanksgiving
food and an appointment to pick up a Holiday grocery gift card. When you
register, you will receive two separate appointments to pick up both.
11.) I live with my 18-year-old. May I still register for Santa’s Workshop?
Sorry, no. Only those with children under 18 may register for Santa’s Workshop.
12.) Can I sign up for holiday assistance at multiple agencies?
No. All organizations that offer holiday assistance — including Salvation Army and Child & Family — work very hard to ensure that Newport County residents receive the help they need. Please register for holiday assistance through whatever agency is most appropriate for you. We ask that you do not register with multiple agencies.
13.) Where do I shop for my Thanksgiving meal?
You can shop for your Thanksgiving meal ingredients and
pick up your turkey during your appointment time at the Edward Street entrance of the MLK Community Center, at 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. Only those who have a Thanksgiving meal help appointment may receive a turkey and shop in the Thanksgiving pantry.
14.) Where do I go for my Santa’s Workshop appointment?
Come to the Edward Street entrance of the MLK Community Center to shop for gifts for your children. Only this who have a Santa’s Workshop appointment may receive gifts.
15.) I forgot my appointment time, can I reach out?
Yes. If you forget your appointment time, you can reach out to the center and staff will help you find your appointment time. We will also be sending out reminders as we get closer to that time.