Registration is now open for this year’s Keeper of the Dream awards & Annual Meeting, held virtually via Zoom, on Monday, October 26th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.! We’ll report on the Center’s successes and challenges in 2019 and celebrate an incredible group of people.The Keeper of the Dream awards are bestowed on a person, couple, or group whose outstanding commitment and contribution to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center embodies the ideals of Dr. King.
Congratulations and deepest appreciation to our honorees:
Keepers of the Dream
Nancy and Doug Horsey
Keeper of the Dream – Community Partner
Volunteers of the Year
Betsy Blair and Jim Van Winkle

Given the restrictions on gathering due to COVID-19, this event will take place on Monday, October 26th from 6 pm to 7 pm via Zoom video conferencing. So, cozy up with a glass of wine and join us in (remotely!) celebrating these extraordinary community champions! RSVP on our website and you will receive a link to the private Zoom meeting before the event.
,,RSVP Today
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Únase a nosotros: Keeper of the Dream & Annual Meeting
Estas invitada( | Estas invitado

Las inscripciones ya están abiertas para los premios Keeper of the Dream y la reunión anual de este año, que se celebrará virtualmente a través de Zoom, el lunes 26 de octubre a partir de las 6 p.m. a las 7 p.m.! Informaremos sobre los éxitos y desafíos del Centro en 2019 y celebraremos a un grupo increíble de personas.Los premios Keeper of the Dream se otorgan a una persona, pareja o grupo cuyo destacado compromiso y contribución al Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. El Centro Comunitario encarna los ideales del Dr. King.
Felicitaciones y más profundo agradecimiento a nuestros homenajeados: Guardianes del Sueño Nancy y Doug Horsey Guardián del sueño – Socio comunitario ,Granja comunitaria de Jamestown Voluntarios del año Betsy Blair y Jim Van Winkle